Clara’s House
Our Sister Ministry
Clara’s House Maternity Shepherding Home is a part of Clara’s House, Inc. which holds a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit status. Clara’s House, Inc. started in 2000 in Pennsylvania and serves the needs of girls/women facing unplanned and/or crisis pregnancies who are temporarily homeless.
A Tribute to Clara
This tribute is about my great-grandmother, Clara (or “MomMom” as we called her). For the sake of time and space, please take a moment to visit our sister-ministry, Clara’s House, and read about Clara.
Hopefully, you were able to read about my great-grandmother, Clara, and now have an understanding of her influence on my life. As you have read, Clara was a prominent businesswoman, running several businesses in her time. I remember how she and her husband would ship-in Christmas trees from Canada to sell. I remember the building on their property where they made and sold home-made ice cream (I often wondered what happened to that family recipe). I remember the tenants they had in their large Victorian home. I remember the huge third floor, “Lodge Hall,” where they hosted political and civic organization meetings. I remember hearing the stories about the whole Lafayette Football team stopping by their home for meals. And I remember the stories about how great a cook MomMom was and how she was a great hostess.
She may not have realized that she had gifts of administration, business, and hospitality, but she did! Even though I “experienced” and knew MomMom when she was in her eighties, nineties, and into the 100 mark, I knew she had an amazing and fascinating life (I’m sure there were hard times as well, though). I believe that God has given me gifts and desires that my great-grandmother had. I see so many character similarities between the two of us. I believe that being so active in her life at my early age has caused this to happen. It is my hope to honor her, not necessarily idolize her. She had her faults, and I surely have mine!
So how did “A Time For Rest” come about?
It wasn’t through an earth-shattering dream like Clara’s House, but it has been through the work that has been done with Clara’s House and its relation to my great-grandmother. Actually, I look at it as a “continuation” of Clara’s House, not something totally new. Both ministries are what I call “hospitality ministries.” They help two different kinds of people in need, but they share the same purpose—giving rest—and providing a home to give that “rest.”
Do you remember the phrase “Children Looking for A Rest Area” that was in my dream? It’s close to an acronym for C-L-A-R-A. We are all children in God’s eyes, and we all need rest at some point in our lives or to get us through a crisis. In essence, Clara’s House and A Time For Rest are “a house of rest”—a house where children (no matter what age) are looking for a rest area (a place to rest).
The Lord gave me the ministry vision for “A Time For Rest” around 2009. Since I was in pastoral ministry for 20 years, I knew firsthand the needs for a pastor and his or her family. I could have used this ministry myself a few times over those years!
The Lord tells us that He has great plans for our lives. He knows all about us—our strengths and weaknesses. He knows what spiritual gifts and ministry gifts to give us. He knows who to put into our lives to get us to develop our gifts and teach us by word and example. I believe God put me in this family to be the great-granddaughter of Clara. I have taken her example and used my knowledge and gifts for God’s glory. Although I don’t believe that we can look down from Heaven to Earth, but if we could, I hope MomMom is smiling and is proud of me!